Saturday 13 October 2007


I've been rather quiet for a while as I've not really been doing much sculpting - I've been rather distracted painting Tharn for my Hordes army...

However, last week I abandoned my half-painted wolf riders in order to do some more work on my pack-beast. After sculpting lots of bags on his back, I decided the poor fella needed a name. Baruk sounded about right.

So, here he is - a heavily laden Fubarnii Baruk pack-beast. I still need to neaten up some bits, but I'm kinda pleased with how he's turned out.


Anonymous said...

He is very cool! (He? She? Presumably males are stronger and can carry more, but you'd have to wait longer for them to develop).

Anonymous said...

Nicely done! Love the contours - the curve of the neck, up over the hump of the back, and sweeping down along the tail. Great aesthetic. And everything else too. Excellent. :)

Mike Thorp said...

Thanks for the comments!
I'm going to go with she at the moment... while males might be a bit larger and stronger, I expect they are also more likely to have interesting additional 'features' like horns.
Glad you like it Warren. :)